FS2002 Beech Baron 58 repaint in KLM luchtvaartschool colors by Ritsaart Kreiken.


thank you for downloading this file. It´s my very first repaint and maybe it isn´t that good but I´m still proud of it :)

contact me if you don´t know how to install it or if there´s something wrong or if you just want to comment. ritsaartk@hotmail.com (you can add me to MSN if you like)

unzip the complete file in a temporary folder.

Ok now go to your FS 2002 main aircraft folder
(usually it´s: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\aircraft
open the beech baron 58 folder. Place the aircraft.cfg file from the zipfile in the main beech baron 58 folder.(if asked to replace say "Yes") Then add the folder called Texture.1 in the main beech baron 58 folder.

thats it!

please note: Do not change the registration becouse I´ve painted the registration on the fuse so if you enter a registraion you have 2 registrations.

have fun,
Ritsaart Kreiken

Thanx to the site that helped me making repaints: